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Miami Golem (1985)

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Pat Starke
Voice actor
No. Title Actor Role
1 Crime Busters (Crime Busters) April Clough Angie Crawford
2 Banana Joe (Banana Joe (engl.)) Gisela Hahn Werbeansagerin
3 Bomber (Bomber (engl.)) Valeria Cavalli Freundin von Giorgio
4 Cats and Dogs (Thieves and Robbers) Margherita Fumero Deborah Smith
5 Cats and Dogs (Thieves and Robbers) Joan Murphy Adler Virginia Anderson
6 Go for It (Go for it) Susan Teesdale die Killerin
7 Miami Supercops (Miami Supercops) Rhonda Lundstedt Annabelle
8 Big Man: An unusual insurance (Big Man: An unusual insurance) Agnese Ricci Locuratos Ehefrau
Lo Curato (italienische Fassung)
9 Big Man: The False Etruscan (Big Man: The False Etruscan) Alicia Leoni Chiara
10 Big Man: Another Falling Star (Big Man: Another Falling Star) Catherine Lesnoff Elaine
Number of visits: 1697